Monday, February 20, 2012

Terra Cotta Candy Dish

Today, February 20, 2012, I started this post.  I have always loved crafting.  Between sewing, painting, and crafting with kids my heart is always filled with joy that comes from God's touch and letting me be able to teach others how to have fun.  That is what I hope I can do here.  This is a learning process for me so bare with me as I venture on this new path of learning a new tech venture.  I will hopefully be able to share many things with you and my friends. 

This is one of the last things my daughter and I made. 


2 Terra cotta pots
4 pot bases
2 medium size Betta fish bowls
2 wooden knobs or pots
1/8" thin sticky foam
E-6000 glue

1.    Fist paint the pots the color you wish.
2.    Then glue the pat base to the pots bottom.
3.    Then glue the wooden knob to the other pot base. 
4.    Once theses parts have dried it is time to glue the Betta bowl to the pot base.
5.    Take the lid and glue or stick the 1/8" foam to the inside.  This way the lid won't move.

The total cost is less than $5.00.  This makes a great teachers gift.  Let me know how yours turns out.

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